• トップ
  • ニュース
  • IOC(国際オリンピック委員会)とISA(国際サーフィン連盟)は、























【Dear ISA Members】

We are pleased to inform you that earlier today, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) released to all the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) the approved qualification system for Surfing’s Olympic debut at Tokyo 2020.

 This system promotes universal opportunities for surfers from around the world to qualify for the Games while at the same time ensuring the participation of the world’s best professional surfers.






The key elements of the qualification system are as follows:

  • 20 men, 20 women.
  • Maximum of 2 surfers per gender per National Olympic Committee (NOC).
  • Qualification spots will be earned on an individual basis, by name.
  • In accordance with IOC guidelines, the qualification events have been determined in hierarchical order of qualification, as further explained below; If two surfers of a gender have qualified through the first hierarchical order, that NOC will not be able to qualify more surfers of that gender through qualifying events lower in hierarchical order.
  • All surfers selected by their respective National Federations for their national teams must participate in 2019 and 2020 ISA World Surfing Games in order to be eligible for Olympic qualification. The final details of the eligibility requirements are still under review by the ISA and the IOC.



  • 男子20人、女子20人
  • 各国あたり:男子2人、女子2人
  • 予選枠は個人で獲得されます。
  • 予選競技会になる大会は階層順で定められました、階層最上WSL CT経由に同じ国の2選手の出場権を獲得した場合、以下の階層の大会でWSGなど他の選手を予選することは出来ません。
  • オリンピック選考選手に認められるために、自国の連盟に選考された選手が2019と2020年のWSGに出場しなければなりません。最終の詳細はISAとIOCでまだ協議中です。



The hierarchical order of qualification will be as follows:

1.2019 World Surf League Championship Tour: First 10 eligible men and first 8 eligible women.

2.2020 ISA World Surfing Games: First 4 eligible men and first 6 eligible women.

3.2019 ISA World Surfing Games: 4 men and 4 women selected based on their continent. Top finishing eligible surfer of each gender from Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

4.2019 Pan American Games: First eligible man and first eligible women in the surfing competitions.

5.Host nation slot: One man and one woman slot will be guaranteed for the host nation of Japan, unless already filled through the above hierarchies. Should athletes from Japan qualify regularly, their slots will be reallocated to the highest ranked eligible surfers from the 2020 World Surfing Games.

As we had the opportunity to announce in December, the ISA had reached an important preliminary agreement with the World Surf League (WSL) to ensure the participation of their top stars, both in the Olympic Games and ISA World Surfing Games.  This agreement was part of the proposal that the ISA submitted to the IOC for the overall



1.2019 WSL CT の最終ランキングの男子出場資格を得た最上位10人、女子出場資格を得た最上位8人。

  1. 2020 ISA WSG、出場資格を得た男子最上位4人、出場資格を得た女子最上位6人。
  2. 2019 ISA WSGアメリカを除く各大陸(アフリカ、アジア、ヨーロッパ、オセアニア)の最上位男子1人ずつ全部で4人、女子最上位1人ずつ全部で4人。
  3. 2019 Pan American Games 、出場資格を得た最上位男子と女子1人ずつ。
  4. 主催国枠:主催国である日本は男子1人と女子1人の枠が保証される。ただし、上記ヒエラルキー(階層)で選出されていない場合に限る。日本の選手が定期的に予選を通過した場合、その2枠はWSG2020の最上位選手へ権利を再割り当てされる。


ISAとWSLの間で締結された協定でWSLのトップアスリートが五輪とISA WSG に参加できることを保護します。以上に発表された予選過程ISAとWSLの連携により可能になりました。



Country Representation for Athletes without an NOC

 For events serving as official Qualifying Events for the Olympic Games, and in accordance with the Olympic Charter, surfers may only represent an ISA Member from territories with representation of a National Olympic Committee (NOC). ISA Members without NOC representation (Channel Islands, England, Hawaii, Scotland, Tahiti, Wales) will not be allowed to participate in Qualifying Events.

 The surfers who have once competed for Member Federations without NOC representation will therefore be subject to selection for the National Team with NOC recognition of their territory (Channel Islands, England, Scotland, Wales: Great Britain; Tahiti: France; Hawaii: USA)

We strongly encourage the Member Federations without NOC representation and the Member Federations with NOC representation to coordinate to ensure that all athletes are aware of selection criteria for their respective National Team for Qualifying Events.


These athletes may return to represent their former ISA Member Federations at events following Olympic qualification. An official Change of Nation Request is not needed unless the surfer’s intention to represent the ISA Member Federations with NOC recognition indefinitely.








これらのアスリートは、オリンピック予選後のイベントで元のISA加盟連盟を代表するために戻ることができる。 ISAメンバー連盟をNOCで無期限に代表するサーファーの意思がない限り、公式の国変更要求は必要ありません。



Proof of Nationality – Change of Nation

 For the Olympic Games, the IOC’s Olympic Charter Rule 41 on Nationality of Competitors shall apply together with the ISA Rules, with which we would encourage you to become familiar. A competitor may only represent a country if he/she holds a passport or national identification card issued by the national government of that country. A national identification card must clearly show nationality or citizenship of the country. Once a competitor has represented one country in any Olympic Games, ISA World Championship, ISA-recognized continental championship, or ISA-sanctioned event (ISA Event), he/she generally may not surf for another country at future ISA Events.

 Special exemptions may be considered by the ISA Executive Committee provided the petitioning National Federation submit a formal Change of Nation Request to the ISA.

 Next week, the ISA will send out a detailed memo with an in-depth breakdown of the Change of Nation process. Please stay tuned for more information at that time.



一つの国を代表し、一度でも参加したオリンピック大会、ISA World Championship、ISA公認の各国の大会、もしくはISAに認可されたイベント等へ出場した場合、その国の代表のみが許され他国代表として参加は認められない。それは今後のISAに関わるイベント全てに共通する。



Athlete Eligibility

 In addition to the above, we would like to draw your attention to the section on the Qualification System on Athlete Eligibility.

 In accordance with IOC policy, all International Federations were given the opportunity to create “Additional IF Eligibility Criteria” and the same has been the case for the ISA.

 In particular, and in agreement with the IOC, we have determined that in order to be eligible to participate in the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020, all athletes must:

  • be in good standing with his/her National Federation (“NF”) and the ISA in accordance with the ISA Rule Book in force at the time of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
  • have fulfilled the minimum participation requirements in the ISA World Junior Surfing Championships (where applicable) and the 2019 and 2020 ISA World Surfing Games.

On this latter point, the exact details of these eligibility criteria are still under review by the IOC and ISA Executive Committee and will be released in May 2018.


 In the meantime, we can confirm that all of your surfers will be required to make themselves available to be part of your national teams for the 2019 and 2020 World Surfing Games and, if selected, will be required to participate. Failure to meet this requirement will render the surfer ineligible for the Olympic Games.




  • 自国の国内連盟と国際連盟の規則を遵守しなければならない。2020東京五輪期間有効のISAルールブックに掲載される規則基準になります。
  • ISA World Junior Surfing Championships の出場義務(対象年齢者のみ)または2019と2020 ISA World Surfing Games の出場義務を満たした選手。








This is another historic moment for our sport, and for all of us who have dreamt of our sport’s inclusion in the Olympic Games. The release of the qualification process is a tangible step on our journey towards Tokyo 2020 and surfers around the world now have a clear path to their Olympic dream. We are excited to see how these incredibly talented athletes perform in qualification with the target of the Olympic podium now within their sight.

 This critical milestone not only underlines and reinforces the authority of the ISA for Olympic Surfing, but also and importantly empowers you, our Member Federations, in the process.

 Thank you for your support in this amazing journey.


Best regards,


これは、私たちのスポーツのため、そしてオリンピックスポーツの参加を夢見てきた私たちのためのもう一つの歴史的な瞬間です。 資格取得プロセスのリリースは、東京2020への旅の具体的なステップであり、世界中のサーファーはオリンピックの夢への明確な道を切り開いています。今、信じられないほど才能のある多くのアスリートたちがオリンピックの表彰台を目標にしています。私たちは彼らの思いに喜んでいます。








Fernando Aguerre                                                  
ISA President 




Robert Fasulo
ISA Executive Director








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